Friday, September 30, 2011

Reminder: New Hours!

Hey just want to remind everyone that our new hours are MONDAY thru SATURDAY 7:00 am til 4:00pm.  We are now CLOSED ON SUNDAYS.  We will be open this coming Monday and will be having our "sack lunch" day on Monday's in October.  Looking forward to seeing everyone then.

Monday, September 26, 2011

New Fall Hours

Starting on Tuesday September 27, our new Fall hours will be Monday thru Saturday from 7:00 am til 4:00pm and CLOSED ON SUNDAYS.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Treats!

We've been busy at the "Corner Bakery" putting together some fall treats.  These chocolate dipped apples and other items were out last week. The weather ended up helping to put everyone in the mood by turning off cooler and a little on the rainy side!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Have A Private Party!

This was a private rehersal dinner at The Corner Bakery & Eatery on Friday night.  Remember, our facility is available any time after 4:30 pm Tuesday thru Sunday or any time on Mondays.  If you're interested in having or booking a function give us a call or stop by the bakery.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Busy Weekend!

It has been an extremely busy weekend for us here at The Corner, and we appreciate our customers cutting us a little slack for running behind some.  We had several cakes and catering jobs this weekend plus a rehersal dinner here at the shop on Friday evening.  Whew.......we made it through it though!  I will post pictures on Sunday of some of the activity.  Thanks again for your patience.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday Breakfast Special Change

Sorry, but Friday's breakfast special has been changed to Belgian Waffle & Sausage Pattys for $3.00!  We had a mishap with our delivery truck so the special had to change, but believe me you will like this special just as much.  It's a favorite with some of our customers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back To Business

Well, the Labor Day Holiday is over and everyone should be getting back in the daily work/school routine.  Fall is slowly (I mean real slow) approaching.  Start watching for all the Autumn specials we will be having at the Corner Bakery & Eatery.  Those Holiday parties are being booked already, so if you need a place for yours, dont forget to give us a call.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Try Our Specials!

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend.  We will be closed on Monday (Labor Day) because that is our normal day to close.  Stop in next week and try some of our new specials.  We try to change them up so you always have something new to experience.  And just a quick side note.......the specials are always going to be your fastest way "in and out" if you are in a hurry.  We strive to make those specials something unique, fast and fullfilling.  They are always your best bet!