Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Things!

Some new things will be happening this week at the Corner Bakery & Eatery as we begin to prepare for Fall.  It's wishful thinking on our part, we know, but it is that time of the year. Soon crisp evenings, mums and the smell of firewood will be the norm.  So.....we are starting our Fall Menu this week and some everyday specials.  We will also be posting a new "Carry Out" menu for breakfast orders.  Right now we only allow carry outs on our breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches.  Starting Monday morning tho, we will have a specific carry out menu on items that we will do for breakfast. 

As part of the Fall change we will be putting the cover on our salad bar for a few months.  This means we will be adding some different salads to our menu and also giving you the option to add a salad to your meal for a small sum. Additionally we will be offering some soup/half sandwich or salad/half sandwich combos.  Lots of new things coming.  So take some time and stop in to the Corner Bakery to see what's happening.  Also keep watching the blog.  As I have time to get all of the new changes updated I will. 

........see you at the Bakery

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fresh Peaches

 It's that time of the year for fresh peaches.... and here at the Corner Bakery & Eatery that means home made peach tarts!!! Stop by and try one with a hot cup of coffee.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Water Well Work.......That's All!

Just want to let all of our customers know that the State of Kansas will be doing some water well work in our parking lot starting this week.  The bakery will still be OPEN......   We appologize to all of our customers and hope that this will not prevent you from stopping in for the best food in town!

What Loyal Customers!!

These guys look like they're up to no good!  What do you think?  Frankie and Floyd......loyal customers since day one.     And that was way back when???????

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Where Did The Summer Go?

I don't know about any one else, but for us here at The Corner Bakery & Eatery, the summer just flew by in what seemed like a matter of minutes.  Most of the days were hot and windy, but that meant a lot of our customers stepped in to the cool to enjoy a cold drink and our fresh salad bar.  We kept it stocked with plenty of cold watermelon!  As the summer draws to a close we look forward to the cool fall mornings when we put the soup kettle back on and start our winter baking.  Check our blog daily as we will be posting some new items for the fall and some exciting new specials.  We hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacations and are ready to tackle another winter.  If we have one out here in Southwest Kansas this year......