Sunday, July 31, 2011

What A Busy Week!

Well, the week is over.....and what a busy one it turned out to be.  Business is really picking up as more people are learning where we are and that the food is worth stopping by for.  We would like to remind everyone that if you are in a hurry at lunch and need to get in and out fast, please call ahead for your order and we will have it ready when you arrive.  Also, please understand that we are unable to make changes to our menu items due to the limited facility we have available in our kitchen area.  We have the menu priced according to the ingredients on each item and the time it takes to create those items.  It is not your servers fault so please don't take it out on them or ask them to try to make those changes.  We appologize for the inconvinence and appreciate your understanding.
As happens sometimes in this buisness, there are days when we aren't able to please everyone. If you were one of those people on Saturday when we had our bierocks (and they weren't quite like your grandmother made) please excuse our mistakes.  We like to experiment with traditional items and see if there are ways that we can make them more "ours".  If you were one of those people who preferred the traditional bierocks over the ones we had on Saturday, sorry, but don't give up on us.  We will do the traditional ones next.  Everyone who loved them, Thanks" it means alot to us to please our partons.  .........................lots of things going on this week at the "Corner" so stop in and see us!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sack Lunch Wednesday

Every Wednesday at the bakery we have "sack lunch" specials.  And that's exactly what you get....a real sack lunch.  The sacks always sell for $5.00 which includes a bottle drink, a sandwich, a side and a dessert.  The sandwiches always vary.  We've had turkey bacon clubs, tuna salad, ham & cheese and like todays; roast beef and Swiss.  The side dishes are anything from potatoe chips to side salads or pasta salads.  It's every Wednesday and all you have to do is stop by and grab one.  Dine in or take out.  They'll be ready.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thanks for Voting!

The "Mykonos Sandwich" was the correct answer for the poll question last week.  Thanks to all those who took the time to answer.  If you got it correct, then you are either familiar with our sandwiches or you looked at the menu to see which sandwich best fit the criteria.  Both ways work for me cause at least you learned more about our place.  Be on the look out for future polls and never know when the opportunity might arise for you to win some free meals!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wow! Look At This Food.......

The New Yorker
If you didn't get a chance to stop by the bakery this week then you missed some pretty awsome food!  Look at the New Yorker.  This sandwich is on our menu and we sell quite a few.  If breakfast is your thing then you should have come in to try our "skillet scramble".  Take a look....
Skillet Scramble
Meatloaf Sandwich
If none of those things interest you then what about our "Meatloaf Sandwich"?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Success At the Auction....

Our big catering job for the week was a suceess at the Seward County Activity Center.  The bidding started early in the morning and continued until after 5:00 pm. .....and right in the middle of the day we served the buffet. From the comments we received it was a great success.

Cinnamon Crunch French Toast!!!

Did you miss this????  If you weren't at the bakery on Tuesday morning then you certainly did!  This new item was a very big hit and even though it isn't on the menu yet just ask when you come in for the new "crunch" toast.  It's loaded with fresh fruit and "real whipped cream topping".  A great way to start off your busy day...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Busy Week At the Bakery

This is shaping up to be a very busy week for us here at the bakery.  We are open every day and also catering a meal for about 200 people on Wednesday at the Seward County Activity Center.  We are providing the meal for the Best Well Service auction.  So if you plan to attend the auction stop by for a good meal and tell the girls "HI".  We also have several cake orders and some smaller catering events.  We always have time for our customers that come in to dine with us or just to pick up a pastry or sandwich so don't fret.   And Thanks for stopping in!

Open Sundays......yes!

For those of you who didn't know it yet....Yes we are open on Sundays!  At this point we don't open until 9:00am on Saturdays and Sundays but we definitely are open.  We even offer hot full meals on Sundays so be sure to check out our Weekly Specials sheet for that information.  Stop by for a great breakfast or come in after church.  The bakery does have more seating than it appears from the street. So be sure to add The Corner Bakery & Eatery to your weekend!  We'll be waiting.......

Welcome To Our Blog!

Thanks for stopping by to visit our new blog.  We will be listing our weekly specials here for those of you who have access to the internet.  We deliver special sheets around town to different businesses on Mondays but we can't make it to everyone so we hope this little site helps.