Sunday, July 31, 2011

What A Busy Week!

Well, the week is over.....and what a busy one it turned out to be.  Business is really picking up as more people are learning where we are and that the food is worth stopping by for.  We would like to remind everyone that if you are in a hurry at lunch and need to get in and out fast, please call ahead for your order and we will have it ready when you arrive.  Also, please understand that we are unable to make changes to our menu items due to the limited facility we have available in our kitchen area.  We have the menu priced according to the ingredients on each item and the time it takes to create those items.  It is not your servers fault so please don't take it out on them or ask them to try to make those changes.  We appologize for the inconvinence and appreciate your understanding.
As happens sometimes in this buisness, there are days when we aren't able to please everyone. If you were one of those people on Saturday when we had our bierocks (and they weren't quite like your grandmother made) please excuse our mistakes.  We like to experiment with traditional items and see if there are ways that we can make them more "ours".  If you were one of those people who preferred the traditional bierocks over the ones we had on Saturday, sorry, but don't give up on us.  We will do the traditional ones next.  Everyone who loved them, Thanks" it means alot to us to please our partons.  .........................lots of things going on this week at the "Corner" so stop in and see us!

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