Sunday, January 15, 2012

Changes for 2012!

     Here at The Corner Bakery & Eatery we strive to insure that our customers receive the best product we can produce for the best price we can offer.  As with every thing else, our food prices over the past year have increased by 14% through our vendors.  We debated on how we could still put out our same products, with the same quality, without passing that increase on to our customers.  So, instead of raising the prices on each of our menu items, (which by the way, almost every restaurant in town raised their prices up to $1.00 per plate) we choose to keep the menu prices the same but with less "free" options.  All of our sandwiches still come with chips, but the option for soup or salad through the salad bar, are available for a minimal up charge. 
     It is for this same reason that we will only be offering specials on a limited basis.  There will be some weeks which we offer breakfast and lunch specials every day and other weeks when we offer them only a couple of days a week.  The majority of our customers prefer our menu items so it is not economically feasible for us to offer specials. Unfortunately, we are not a non-profit organization.  We're here to make a living like everyone else.

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